The official Bratz page is at it again, bragging about releasing a statement regarding George Floyd. This is not the first time, I'll show at the bottom:
^From the second slide. It reads: "Bratz release a George Floyd statement encouraging solidarity with the nation's African American population and expressing their passion 4 social justice!"


This isn't the first time they've bragged about doing this:

From here (7th slide)

EDIT: Update from early June, the Bratz page has now edited the post and took out all of the other slides after complaints including deleting comments calling them out:

if they wanted to be useful, they should of just spoken about their own experiences as poc, then people would of related to them, this is disgusting
Literally could've mentioned anything else, its so clear the people in Bratz team don't care about blm. Such a mess, the only team I can trust from MGA is L.O.L Surprise, RH, Na na, and now Bratz keep disappointing.
Here is what BWC people think: