Earlier this year we had our first BratzLips.com Investigation thread:
Well it looks like we have another one today right before 2023 Lipsters!

So there's a theory that Instagram user @rian_flauntz is an MGA worker/spy:

Today they posted Shadow High Series 2 Monique which they claimed bought from a local reseller at Traders Vilage Grand Prairie, Texas for $25. Hmm isn't that too good to be true for an unreleased product? Well the theory is that they're an MGA worker who intentionally leaked her (probably to see the community's comments or thoughts). They haven't been replying to comments, very interesting! What's even more odd is that they blocked our page on Instagram, maybe because we're a semi-updates page and they're checking up on us secretly by blocking and unblocking hmm...also look at their following list. Anyways just blocked them so they can't check on us!

This account is also suspicious with 0 followers:

ignore this