Mattel has reclaimed their license to Disney Princess!

Speaking of Mattel and Hasbro, Olivia, who used to design for Barbie:

Eventually went on to design for Hasbro's Disney Princess only for Mattel to reclaim their Disney Princess license back:

It looks like Hasbro went all fabric with Disney Princess only to copy Mattel and do the horrendous plastic tops on the dolls! Flops!

Reminds me of when Isaac/MGA turned down doing Disney Princess because of the 19% royalty rate:

The way most MH stans are celebrating because this means Mattel might get more money which helps MH. Bratzies, if only Disney wasn't so greedy and Isaac had accepted the offer maybe the budget for Bratz would've been higher and we wouldn't get horrible faces like the Rock Angelz repros!

Anyways here's dolltwt's reaction:

I agree with @CloettaTheWitch (I'm gonna share their tweet in the replies), who is people?
Congratz Mattel I guess.. though Mattel playline dolls are Pixels with a sack dress so I am not keeping any hope. Also I feel like this time they'll only focus Disney budget on Disney